March saw plugin EVs take 18.0% share in Germany, down year on year, remaining stuck in a hangover from sudden incentive abandonment in late December. BEVs were down some 29% in YoY volume, while PHEVs were down 4.5%. Overall auto volume was 263,844 units, down 6% YoY, and down 25% from 2017-2019 seasonal norms (~350,000 units). The best selling BEV was the Tesla Model Y.
The market data saw combined EVs at 18.0% share, with full electrics (BEVs) at 11.9% and plugin hybrids (PHEVs) at 6.1% share. These compare with 21.6% combined, with 15.7% BEV, and 6.0% PHEV, year on year.