Comment system and push notifications
Comment system and push notifications
Hi guys! The new website is almost as I want it and you can expect articles more regularly from now on. During the recent migration from WordPress to Hugo I noticed some things. First, the push notification system from OneSignal wasn’t sending notifications and adblockers were blocking the bell icon - that allows to subscribe or unsubscribe the service. Therefore, I decided to stop using this service, at least for now.
Migration from WordPress to Hugo
Migration from WordPress to Hugo
Hi guys, I’m back for good and now with a better website. PushEVs is no longer made with WordPress, now it’s made with a static site generator called Hugo. Hugo describes itself as “world’s fastest framework for building websites”, but that’s not why I chose it to make the new PushEVs website. As time goes by, WordPress websites start to become slow and buggy - partly because installing plugins is fun and easy… Security and backups/restores can also give us more headaches than they should.